"Art is the most important and unifying force that there is - and that it is a celebration of life that can help nations, races and religions come together as one."
~Ibrahim Hussein~
1936 - 2009
~Ibrahim Hussein~
1936 - 2009

Datuk Ibrahim Hussein, known widely as "Ib", died yesterday morning of a heart attack. He was 72.
Ibrahim rose from humble beginnings, from a kampung called Yan, Kedah to reputedly become the most successful and widely collected Malaysian Artist to date.
Ibrahim Hussein is survived by his wife Datin Sim and his daughter Alia.
Read more about Ibrahim Hussein:
International Herald Tribune
Ibrahim Hussein (1936-2009): The Art of Gratitude
Ibrahim rose from humble beginnings, from a kampung called Yan, Kedah to reputedly become the most successful and widely collected Malaysian Artist to date.
Ibrahim Hussein is survived by his wife Datin Sim and his daughter Alia.
Read more about Ibrahim Hussein:
International Herald Tribune
Ibrahim Hussein (1936-2009): The Art of Gratitude
1 Comment:
Hello there, i'm arief and now i'm doing an art project based on late Ibrahim Hussein's paintings. do you know the name of his painting that i posted in my blog under the post 'I'm lost in Ib's puzzle...'. i've got the photo from internet but i don't know the name. im desperately need to know the name of the painting. hope you can help me. Thank you for your time!
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